We are so glad that you have decided to check us out! Let’s admit, it’s scary to step into a place where you may not know anyone or what to expect. So here’s some information to make that first step easier for you.
Church’s have lots of doors so which one do I use? Most people use the Elevator Entrance on the Main Street side of the building next to the parking lot. Take the elevator to the 2nd floor and walk down the hall to the right. You will find a greeter that will show you the ropes.
What do I wear? We want you to be comfortable so wear whatever you choose. You will see it all from suits to shorts, dress shoes to flipflops. Outward appearances are not important to us.
Where should I sit? Sit where you are most comfortable. We don’t have assigned seats!
Will you ask me to stand up or raise my hand? You will never be asked to identify yourself as a guest. We want to answer any questions you have about us, our ministries, or ways to become more involved but only when you are ready. We would like you to fill out a guest card if you are comfortable doing so. The guest card helps us to know how we are reaching people.
Can I take communion? Absolutely! This is the Lord’s table and open to all. We take communion during the service on the first Sunday of the month. Due to COVID restrictions, we use individually pre-packaged communion elements that are picked up when you enter the sanctuary.
Will I be expected to give an offering? We do not take up an offering during the service. As a guest, your presence is a gift to us. If people choose to give an offering, we thank-you for participating in God’s work here. Offering plates are available at the sanctuary exit doors.
Can my children attend service? We love children! Children’s Sunday School is available from 9:15 am to 10:00 am. every Sunday. Our worship services are family-oriented so we invite you to sit together as a family during worship. No worries about crying babies or noisy coloring.
Pastor Barbara Wiechel
Members in Their Own Words